WWV, Fort Collins Colorado
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WWV, the time reference radio station operated by the National Bureau of Standards (NBS), now National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), located at Fort Collins, CO, was equipped with TMC transmitters, as seen in the following gallery. This station went on the air in 1966, and according to the WWV website, the TMC transmitters were on 2.5MHz and 20MHz (GPT-10K's) and 5MHz and 10MHz (GPT-40K's).
The GPT-10K's for 20MHz and 2.5MHz were in continuous service from 1966 until May and August (respectively) of 2008. Over the years an additional GPT-40K was added to the station for the 15MHz service; the '40K's were replaced by Continentals (I believe) in 1990, but both transmitters are still located at Ft Collins and are used as backup transmitters. These backup transmitters only make use of the 4CX5000 driver stage, so effectively output 2.5KW.
It's truly remarkable that a group of high-power radio transmitters managed to remain in continuous 24/7 service for 34 years (GPT-40K's) and nearly 42 years ('10K's): a great tribute to the durability and quality that TMC built into its equipment.
You can learn a great deal more about NIST's time standards from the document NIST Time and Frequency Services.