Navy Brass visit TMC
This group of photos appears all together on a single contact sheet. It
appears to document a visit by a bunch of Navy officers to TMC in Mamaroneck to
inspect the "Fly-Away" system, a complete transportable communications
system packaged in TOC containers, manufactured by TMC Canada.
As ever, if you can identify anyone in these photos, or know anything about
this visit, please let me know!
R609.8-3. |
R609.8-4 |
R609.8-9. Not sure which location this
is. The "penthouse" in the background may indicate that
this is the Waverly Ave plant. |
No number. As in the photo at the left,
the group is examining the TU of an ATS-2, part of the Fly-Away system. |
R609.8-6 |
No number. |
No number. |
No number. The brass and TMC welcoming
committee. I'm reasonably certain this is the lobby of 700 Fenimore,
taken from the stairs. |
No number. Another shot of the visitors
and TMC-ers in the 700 Fenimore lobby. |
No number. A shot of the Fly-Away
system, perhaps in the "penthouse" that appears in the antenna
photo above. |
Another shot of the Fly-Away system. |