This page contains photos of various employees and executives at TMC.
While I've been able to identify many of them, others are unknown, and I'd be
grateful for any help you can provide identifying people. If you recognize
any of the "unknowns", please send me mail at
Photo by Drucker-Hilbert Co. 106 W. 43rd
Street, New York 18, NY, Photo number 5722#4. Attached label says:
"From Press Wireless, Inc. 1475 Broadway, N.Y., N.Y. MEN BEHIND
are Left to Right, Ray H. dePasquale, Director of Manufacturing, Press
Wireless, William Welsh, President of Welsh Brothers Contracting Company
of Long Island City, Builder-Owner, and Salvatore Barone, Chief
Manufacturing Engineer, Press Wireless." Sal Barone later went
on to become the founder and president of Northern Radio in New York City. |
Photo by Drucker-Hilbert Co. 106 W. 43rd
Street, New York 18, NY, Photo number 5722#3. Attached label says:
"From Press Wireless, Inc. 1475 Broadway, N.Y., N.Y. PRESS WIRELESS
HISTORY IN THE MAKING. Salvatore A. Barone, Chief Manufacturing
Engineer, and Ray H. dePasquale, Director of Manufacturing, Press
Wireless, Center, Turned the First Earth for the Foundations of the New
Manufacturing Engineering Plant at 35th Avenue and 38th Street, Long
Island City, July 16, 1945. Looking on and Applauding are Members of
the Manufacturing and Engineering Staff." |
Portrait of Ray dePasquale, no date, no number.
This portrait was used in the 1962 Annual Report for the "message
from the president". |
Another terrific portrait of Ray deP, with his
characteristic pipe. |
Labeled "Personnel: Ray de
Pasquale". This portrait was used in the 1960 Annual Report. |
No number. This portrait was used in
the 1963 Annual Report. |
R6412.2-8. Photo of Ray deP with an
unknown associate at the controls of an ARCA-1 receiver Technimatic remote
control system. |
No number. Ray at controls of ARCA-1, with
DDR-5BR in background. |
R6412.2-3. This photo was used in the
"message from the president" section of the 1964 Annual Report. |
This group of photos consists of various portraits and group shots of TMC
executives and employees.
XCR6911.10. Back of photo: "TOP
VIP". Leaning over adjusting the MMX exciter is Bill
Deans. Person at left unknown. TOPVIP was the code name for an
installation of 1KW transmitters at Buenos Aires, Argentina, for the
Provincial Radio Network. |
No number. Portrait of Bill D. Pritchard.
Pritchard became VP and Director, Engineering in 1965. |
No number. Company founder and VP Bill Deans.
Deans, and active radio amateur, worked in the Press Wireless Hicksville
manufacturing plant during WW2. |
R701.15-1. Photo of corporate
officers. Left to right: Harold Morse (company attorney), Neil
dePasquale, Doug Caroll (Managing Director), Ray
dePasquale (company founder and President), Ernie Matson (Ray's nephew,
special projects VP, later Exec VP), Bill Deans (Company founder, VP, then
VP, Sales), Ted Jennings
(Kidder Peabody), |
1552. All unknown. |
No number. I believe the people in the
photo are left to right, D. H. Tinker, Ray deP, Bill Gallione, and
unknown. |
No number. Ted Jennings handing Ray deP
a check. Others in photo unknown. Check is from Kidder
Peabody, dated Oct. 23, 1959, and appears to be in the amount of
$500,000. Possibly the proceeds of TMC's IPO? |
No number. This wonderful photo shows
TMC's corporate officers "ringing the bell" at the NY Stock
Exchange in 1963. Pictured, left to right, Bill Gallione (Exec VP),
G. W. (Ted) Jennings (Board member, Kidder Peabody), Marjorie M.
dePasquale (Ray's wife, board member), John Gallione (Bill's brother, who
held various offices at TMC), Allan J. Moccia (Treasurer, American
Airlines, Board member), and Ray dePasquale (founder and President). |
Labeled on back: Personnel: Mr, Mrs Ray
dePasquale. At left is Herb Shauers, head of TMC AG, Switzerland. |
Photo 878-5 by Tommy Weber, 202 E. 39th Str,
NY 16, NY. Ted Jennings, Donald H. Tinker (Treasurer/Controller), Marjorie
deP, Ray deP, and Doug Carroll. Perhaps taken at stock
exchange? Trade show? |
Photo 878-2 by Tommy Weber, clearly taken at
same time as photo to left. Ray (right) and unknown person. |
No number. Hoisting the TMC Company
flag. Holding the end of the flag is Conrad Gebhardt, TMC Industrial
Corp. |
PH-546. This photo is well-known to
most TMC collectors. It shows a youthful Tony Faiola (actually, he's
still pretty youthful!) examining the innards of a GPT-750 on the
production line. These are early production -1 '750's, and I believe
this photo was taken at 705 Fennimore, a building (still standing) across
the street from the company's main plant at 700 Fennimore, Mamaroneck,
NY. Many thanks to Tony for loaning me this photo! |
No number. Ted Jennings enjoying a cup
of coffee with two unknowns, perhaps at a trade show? |
No number. This photo taken at front
door of 700 Fennimore. Back row, left to right: unknown man, unknown
woman, Bill Gallione (Exec VP), Ray dePasquale (Pres), Gene ??, John
Gallione (Secretary & Dir. Marketing), Conrad Gebhardt (TMC
Industrial). Front row: all unknown, except right-most: Harold Morse
(company atty). |
RCA Transmit/Receive System. Seated is
Al Jeroffsky, a key engineer at TMC in the 50's - 60's. |
No number. Unknown TMC employee. |
No number. Employees gathered around
one of many version of the CON console. All are unknown, except for
left-hand-most person standing, Hal Winters (Tech Rep) and 2nd from right, company founder Doug Carroll. |
29.5. Written on back: "Here's the
pen to sign, next comes the key to the building," said Carlyle R.
Boguess, (seated on right) Managing Director, Shirley Industrial
Properties, Inc. and owner of the building, to Gen. H. L Scofield, (seated
on left) President of TMC Systems, Inc. and TMC Power Distribution,
Inc. The even was the signing of the contract for the new $2,000,000
building being built in the Shirley Industrial Park to house both TMC
companies. Looking on are (left to right) Bob Duncan, Realtor and a
Member of the Governor's Commission on Industrial Development and Planning
for the Commonwealth of Virginia, and Joseph G. Hamrick, Director,
Commonwealth of Virginia Industrial Development and Planning. |
Damaged and un-numbered photo. |
No number.. unknown TMC employee. |
No number, no info on this photo. |
No number of info on this photo, other than
"Personnel, Ray de Pasquale". |
This photo was taken and sent to me by Bob Wilson in
about 1985. It shows the new GPT-10K with MMX-4 exciter. The
people in the photo are, left to right, Frank Moore, Joe Iannuzzi and Bob
McClain. Frank was the production lead for the GPT-10K; Bob says
"..he could assemble one with his eyes closed." Joe was
the QC inspector as well as the union steward Bob was a line leader
for the MMX exciters and many other small, complex assemblies. |
This photo is labeled
"Robinson". The photo was taken by Adrian Clark,
suggesting that this was a TMC Arizona employee. |
This photo labeled "Haselbeck".
Like the photo to the left, evidence suggests a TMC Arizona employee. |
This first group of photos was taken at the 1966 company annual meeting.
At podium, Al Lennox, head of TMC Systems AG,
Switzerland. Center, Ray dePasquale, and at right, Doug
Carroll. Lennox' tenure at TMC Sys AG was "problematic".. |
Left to right: Ernie Mattson, Ted
Jennings, John Gallione, and Hank Geist (at podium). |
Left to right: Ernie Mattson, Ted
Jennings, John Gallione, George Dixon (VP Sales) at podium, Ray deP.
Dixon was a very interesting figure, both during his Navy career and in
his complex connections with TMC. He is regarded as the 'father' of Project
Jenny. |
Left to right: Ernie Mattson, Ted
Jennings, John Gallione, Doug Carroll (company founder at podium), Ray deP. |
This photo, and the 2 to the right turned up
recently. All were mounted, but have no information other than
"1966 Annual Meeting". These folks are clearly
stockholders, and they don't look all that happy, really... |
Ray de P addressing the '66 Stockholder's
Meeting. |
I believe this is Bill Deans addressing the
meeting. |
C701.15-7. Annual meeting, unknown
year, Ray deP speaking |
C701.15-13. Closeup of podium at same
meeting shown at left. Al Moccia (?), Doug Carroll, Ted Jennings,
Ray deP, Ernie Mattson, Bill Deans,, unknown, seated at table. |
No number. Ray deP holding forth at an
unknown event. |
Below are not very great scans of the proof sheet for the C701.15 film roll,
two of whose prints are shown above.