Guide to TMC Drawings Signoff Initials

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The following table can be used as a guide to figure out who signed off on which drawings.   Engineering approval was usually done by the lead engineer on a project.


Name Initials Title
Tony Bernardi (ARB) Chief Engineer
Frank Budetti Engineer, and Tony Bernardi's right-hand man in the 50's, later VP of TMC
Dick Bush  
Bill Everett  
Tony Faiola Engineer at TMC, 1955-1963, and major contributor to this website and the TMC collecting hobby.
Murray Gellman Engineer, lead designer of the GPR-92, among others.
Joe de Greco  
Al Jerafsky Al was on board at TMC in 1955, and remained there for some years.  He authored many of the S-docs during the 50's, and was a major influence on many of TMC's products.
Pete Kilser Engineer, and evidently Tony Bernardi's assistant in 1952.
Ollie (Oleg) Pose Engineer with TMC from vacuum tube era well into solid-state era.  Pose designed much of TMC's later s/s equipment.
Bill Pritchard Chief Engineer after Tony Bernardi left TMC; Pritchard moved to TMC from University of Montana @ Bozeman, where he had led research efforts for TMC.